Directed by Ashley Tata, featuring Ted Hearne and Eliza Bagg. More info coming soon.
Admission is free and open to the public.
PRELUDE 2019: Riotous Excursions asks: What does it mean to break the rules during a time in which the rule of law is under threat? What role can the iconoclast play in a society in which members of Congress regularly attack vital cultural and civic institutions? In this highly contested historical moment, PRELUDE 2019 seeks to reimagine what it means for the artist to take on the role of rebel, provocateur, and outcast. By putting creative practice in conversation with critical perspectives, Riotous Excursions ventures to the forefront of contemporary theatre and performance in order to explore the intersections of artistic innovation, political subversion, and social consciousness. The three-day festival includes performances, presentations, panels, and a party. As always at the Segal Center, all presentations are free and open to the public—first come, first served.